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Estonian Center of UNIMA

19.04.2022 18:15

UNIMA (Union Internationale de la Marionette) – the International Puppetry Association  – was established in Prague in 1929 and it brings together people from around the world, who contribute to the development of puppetry. With the leadership of UNIMA, the World Puppetry Day has been celebrated since the year 2003 on March 21. The UNIMA Estonian Centre was established in 1999. Members of the Centre include Estonian puppetry theatres and puppetry professionals (39 individual and 14 collective members). The main objective of the UNIMA Estonian Centre is to develop, value and introduce Estonian puppetry in Estonia and abroad. The main activities of the Centre include popularization of puppetry as a distinct genre of theatre, deepening cooperation between Estonian puppetry theatres through festivals (Tallinn Treff, festival "Theatre in the Suitcase" etc) and seminars, and spreading information among members; establishment and systematization of Estonian puppetry theatres’ archives. The UNIMA Estonian Centre is located on the premises of the Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences; the presidents of the Centre have been Harry Gustavson (1999-2003), Andres Dvinjaninov (2003-2007), Rosita Raud (2007-2009), Meelis Pai (2009), Mihkel Tikerpalu (2016-2018), Riina Buldas (2018-2020). Riina Buldas and Harry Gustavson are members of the international UNIMA Council.