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Yes or Yesn't

Anita Kurõljova, Richard Beljohin
Anita Kurõljova, Richard Beljohin
January 13th, 2022 at Sakala 3 theatre house's rehersal studio

Choreography/Dance: Anita Kurõljova, Richard Beljohin
Music: Valentin Siltsenko
Dramaturgy: Tõnis Veelmaa
Costumes: Kirill Safonov
Lighting: Ants Kurist

"Yes or Yesn't" is an internally reflective dance performance that focuses on compromises and feelings in human relationships. Compromises are important elements in both the narrative of the story and the process of building the production. The relationship between the two people and how to cope with each other in common processes, the relationship between speaking and listening, the balance between movement and non-movement, being and non-being, is studied. The play does not attempt to provide answers, but is based on questions such as: whether the compromise is the middle ground, the arithmetic mean, the brown line, or an agreement reached through mutual concession; whether it is worth setting aside on behalf of others, agreeing that at least someone gets everything; whether it is possible to find compromises that satisfy all parties or whether there will always be a loser; is this a compromise for me if you lose; who is the winner or loser, etc. Who is to blame for a pull between two people that they have never felt before? Why do we have completely imperceptible feelings that neither of us can formulate or express enough?

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