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Cast: Aleksander Eelmaa, Andres Raag, Andero
Ermel, Tõnn Lamp, Helene Vannari, Anu Lamp, Epp Eespäev, Piret Kalda, Külli
Teetamm, Andrus Vaarik (guest), Peeter Jakobi (guest)
Jean-Luc Lagarce (1957-1995), the French actor, director and
(primarily) a playwright, determines the location of his play We, the Heroes
(1994), as follows: „The plot unravels in a theatre, in a former theatre, offstage
or in a place that fulfils the function of theatre in that town, in a dance
hall, the Big Pub, the Travellers’ Cafe, in a storeroom, in a courtyard or in a
corner of a courtyard. The plot unravels in the middle of