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Merle Karusoo
Esietendus 29. märtsil 2009 suures saalis.
Artist: Pille Jänes (guest)
Musical design: Ardo Ran Varres

Cast: Jaan Rekkor, Viire Valdma, Uku Uusberg, Ita Ever, Kaie Mihkelson, Tõnu Oja, Guido Kangur, Raimo Pass.

The protagonist of Andrus Kivirähk’s play Vombat is a rare Australian marsupial – a threatened species, just like a tribe or an event that is hardly ever remembered. The play describes how past events can influence our present life, how we select these events according to our wishes and needs or show them in a certain light. But what happens when a fragment of what we remember proves wrong, an invention? Is the ability to forget just as important as the ability to remember? The play, equally sad and funny, is about the relations between remembering, forgetting and fantasy.