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The Chinese Room

Kenneth Flak
Kenneth Flak
September 16th, 2010, in Holand
With complete physical control and absolute precision, dancers Kenneth Flak and Külli Roosna explore the new Humanity 2.0. What is the next step in human evolution? Will the human race finally merge with machines and with each other, permanently linking us together in a universal organism? In a mixture of stories and dance, and with images by multimedia artist Matsuo Kunihiko the new Humanity 2.0 gradually takes shape. Finally the big question remains; can we stay human in a networked reality, where technology, biology, mind and power have all become one?

Choreographer: Kenneth Flak
Performed by: Kenneth Flak and Külli Roosna
Dramatist: Thomas Falk
Light designer: Thomas Dotzler
Stage designers: Kenneth Flak, Thomas Dotzler, Matsuo Kunihiko
Duration: 1 hour