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Siim and secrets

Etendus kestab 1 tund 30 min
On the basis of the children book by Andrus Kivirähk

Dramatist and director: Aare Toikka
Set designer: Inga Vares
Genre: fantasy game
Premiere: September 30, 2002 in the Theatre Hall of the National Library

The cast: Elgitha Zeno, Janek Sarapson, Margo Teder

The story is about dreams. But not only. And people and a submarine. Then a mysterious janitor and the angry Mr Sheep. But there also is a pirate who actually is not a pirate and a shark and a seal and a colourful fish bevy. A horrid creature and another animal are coming to visit us. In our exiting fantasy game a little boy Siim, his mother and father come on stage. And they all have a dream in their heart. Just like we all do.

Once upon a time there was a boy who dreamed about becoming a pirate. But when he grew up he forgot everything and started working in a department store. A few years later rumours started to go around that sailing on the sea had become impossible, there was always a stormy weather and from time to time a weird pirate ship attacked the peaceful coast people. Many years passed before this ship sank in a storm and even more years passed before the sea calmed down again.
All this was caused by the boy who had forgotten his childhood dream...