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Evelyn Waugh, Triin Sinissaar
Esietendus 30. oktoobril 2004 Taevalaval
Artist: Ann Lumiste
Cast: Alo Kõrve, Andero Ermel, Anu Lamp, Hele Kõre, Külli Teetamm, Helene Vannari, Indrek Sammul, Allan Noormets, Kalju Orro, Andres Raag, Mart Toome.

Sebastian Flyte is supposed to be happy - he is young and charming, comes from a rich and noble family and studies at Oxford, which is the best university in the world. But not even his friend Charles Ryder or his family can salvage him from self-destruction.

"Sebastian" is a story about the downfall of one man, but at the same time about redemption and finding happiness.