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RAIMUND HOGHE /Düsseldorf/
'Throwing the body into the fight' (lecture-performance)

As I worked on my first solo ´Meinwärts´ (´Mewards´) rather than begin in a studio, I worked in my flat, mostly in the evening, after nightfall. A window attended as a mirror. In the darkness the glass reflected my movements and the space in which I was. At the same time there was the possibility to have a look outside - on the garage roofs, trees, street lamps and a school in which Japanese children sometimes practised German folk songs.
Perhaps these early attempts in front of the window reflect my interest in theatre: the relationship between the inner and outer worlds, what's personal and what's universal, nearness and distance, dreams and reality, past and present. Crossing borders had always attracted me - in my own life and in the biographies of others. For example such as Pier Paolo Pasolini. ´Throwing the body into the fight´, he wrote once. Pasolini's sentence was for me an impulse and encouragement to go on stage and to work with my body. I thought I could express with my own body that which I couldn't express with the body of a dancer. Now I have the impression that I have different and sometimes more possibilities than a person with a beautiful body. I can work on stage with beauty in a very special way because there is always this body as a contrast to this beauty.
In my Lecture performance ´Throwing the body into the fight´ I present scenes from my solo pieces ´Meinwärts´ (1994), ´Chambre séparée´ (1979), ´Lettere amorose´ (1999), ´Another Dream´ (2000) and the piece ´Tanzgeschichten´ (2003). Between the scenes I will talk about my work, my sources, my themes, my body and desire.
Raimund Hoghe

After working as a journalist, Raimund Hoghe joined the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch as a dramatic adviser. He has been creating solo pieces for other dancers since 1989, for himself since 1994.

This presentation is part of the North Rhine-Westphalia festival in Estonia - RUHRPOTT.
Performance is organized in cooperation with Tanzhaus NRW (Düsseldorf) and supported by Goethe Institute Tallinn, federal state North Rhine-Westphalia, Estonian Ministry of Culture; Cultural Endowment of Estonia; Tallinn City Government Cultural Heritage Department.

idea and performance: Raimund Hoghe
artistic collaborator: Luca Giacomo Schulte
dancer: Lorenzo De Brabandere
lights: Amaury Seval
duration: 90´
ticket: 70/120
more information: www.ruhrpott.ee / www.raimundhoghe.com