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Tom Stoppard
Heiti Pakk
Esietendus 7. märtsil 2008 Endla teatri Küünis
Translated by Anu Lamp
Directing group: Heiti Pakk (guest), Feliks Kütt, Silver Vahtre, Margus Vaigur
Cast: Andres Noormets, Jaan Rekkor, Piret Laurimaa, Tiit Palu, Carmen Mikiver, Karin Tammaru, Kaili Viidas, Triin Lepik, Jüri Vlassov, Ahti Puudersell, Lauri Kink

The story begins in August 1968 when the Russian tanks invade Prague. A Czech student Jan lives and breathes rock music. Involuntarily, the Czech rock band Plastic People of the Universe becomes the symbol of the resistance movement. Max, a philosophy professor at Cambridge University, believes in communist ideology but his hippie daughter Esme smokes weed in the back yard and listens to Pink Floyd...
The story ends in 1990 when the iron curtain of the communist regime begins to crack. The Russian tanks leave Prague and The Rolling Stones gives a concert at the Strahov Stadium in Prague.
Tom Stoppard's play joins the stories of two countries and peoples, three generations and 22 epochal years during which the ideals of quite a few people change or get crushed. Some values still remain strong. Long live love, freedom, and rock music!