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Giuseppe Verdi
Neeme Kuningas
Esietendus 9. novembril 2007 Rahvusooperis Estonia
Opera by G. Verdi

Premiere: 9 November 2007

Stager: Neeme Kuningas
Designer: Kustav-Agu Püüman
Lighting Designer: Neeme Jõe
Chorus Master: Elmo Tiisvald
Concert Masters: Tarmo Eespere, Riina Pikani, Ivo Sillamaa

The passionately beautiful music of Verdi's Rigoletto is full of opposites: laughter versus tears, cruel truth versus foul lie, the society versus the individual, love versus cheating, inner beauty versus disfigured appearance, parental care versus growing up. The opera based on Victor Hugo's novel Le Roi s'amuse, tells a story of Rigoletto, who serves a heartless Duke as a witty fool. Rigoletto considers his daughter as his only treasure, and he loves her unconditionally, while trying to keep her from all the evil in this world. Despite that, a series of fatal events occur that ignite passions and break hearts.