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Resisting Extinction

BodyCartography Project, Eesti Tantsuagentuur, TantsuRUUM
Olive Bieringa
Olive Bieringa, Otto Ramstad
May 25th, 2023 at the Merimetsa reserve

BodyCartography Project in collaboration with local dance artists

Concept, direction, performance Olive Bieringa
Direction, performance Otto Ramstad
Performers Eline Selgis, Daniel Persson, Helina Karvak, Joanna Kalm, Laura Kvelstein, Nele Suisalu, Uma Ramstad
Host Eva Orupõld
Producers Ann Mirjam Vaikla, Joanna Kalm
Co-production Eesti Tantsuagentuur, TantsuRUUM, BodyCartography Project
Support Estonian Cultural Endowment, Nordic Culture Point, Arts Council Norway, KORO Public Art Norway, Performing Arts Hub Norway, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"Resisting Extinction" is a site-specific and experiential performance, which invites audiences to sense their bodies, environments and their ecological embeddedness. Central to the work is the question: how do we personally and collectively sense and acknowledge our ecological embeddedness?

"Resisting Extinction" offers practices for living, dancing and dying together on a damaged earth. It is an invitation to not only look forward but to look around and notice what we are losing. To observe, touch, taste, sniff and hear what is potentially at risk in our world. In order to comprehend the ongoing ecological crisis and repair our relational field, it is necessary to cultivate and practice embodied and empathetic relationships with our surroundings.

This ecological crisis can be understood as an identity crisis. What does it mean to be living in times of multi-species mass extinction and climate change? Should we, and how, practice grieving others’ and our own extinction? The intimate and communal performance propositions will hold space for practicing grieving for humans, animals, plants, land, values and belief systems. To grieve requires us to make these extinctions and losses personal. We must hone our skills to improvise, to play, to experiment, to be receptive, to be in the unknown, and trust we have the resources in our bodies to negotiate, survive, and thrive.

Resisting Extinction unfolds as a series of three experiences: weather walk, the missing, and dying and decomposing practice. Please dress according to the weather, location and soft movement.
Duration of the performance is 2h.
It is suggested for audiences 12+.
In Estonian and/or English.

“Resisting Extinction” is the most recent work by the artistic collective BodyCartography Project, members including Olive Bieringa and Otto Ramstad. The mission of BodyCartography Project is to engage with the vital materiality of our bodies and minds to create live performance that facilitates a re-enchantment of embodiment, relationship, and presence.

Olive Bieringa and Otto Ramstad have been collaborating for 25 years as the BodyCartography Project, an award winning international dance collaboration who engage with the vital materiality of our bodies and minds to create live performance that facilitate a re-enchantment of embodiment, relationship, and presence. Their work has been presented internationally across Norway, Europe, USA, and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Olive Bieringa and Otto Ramstad are certified Teachers of Body-Mind Centering®. Together they run the Body-Mind Centering Somatic Movement Education certification in Melbourne, Australia as Program and Educational Directors of Somatic Education Australia.