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Helena Krinal, Triin Marts
Helena Krinal, Triin Marts
Esietendus 12. veebruaril 2013 Okasroosikese Lossi mustas saalis


Triin Marts “Kirke” & Helena Krinal “LULU AND MARU”

Triin Marts

What differentiates you from him or her?  What differentiates me? Who is a stranger and whom to fear? This dance piece attempts to follow the notion that the world around us does not function in narratives. Our world is a creation of small fragments, images and bright moments – in contrast to the amorphous gloom that surrounds it all. No angst, no demonstrations. Human among humans. Me, you, him/her, them.

Choreography, performance: Triin Marts
Dramaturgy: Kai Valtna
Light design: Villu Konrad
Sound design: Tanel Kadalipp
Duration: 25′
Premiere: February 12th 2013

Triin Marts is a young Estonian choreographer. She holds a diploma in dance from Viljandi Culture Academy and is now studying painting at the University of Tartu.

Helena Krinal

Lulu is making nonsense. Maru isn’t making anything out of it. There isn’t much of a story to tell. Take it easy and enjoy.

Idea, directing, choreography: Helena Krinal
Dramaturgy: Raho Aadla
On stage: Anu Ruusmaa, Kaido Torn
Sound: Argo Vals
Light design: Villu Konrad
Length: 30′
Premiere: February 12th 2013

Helena Krinal started training and researching the body at the age of 8 in Hetero Studio (now called Just Dance School). In 2012 she finished Dance Studies in the University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy.She has evolved through the times of contemporary dance with modern dance influences, naive lyrical performances soaked in love, social dance theatre and denial of body as a medium and finally arrived in the fields of improvisation and communication. She is interested in the communication on stage and with the audience. She creates and researches atmospheres that would have a corporeal effect on the audience and performers alike.