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Juss Heinsalu, Keithy Kuuspu, Laura Cemin
Keithy Kuuspu
August 25th 2023 at Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava

Director-choreographer Keithy Kuuspu
Sound artist Mihkel Maripuu
Light artist Sasha Mirson
Stage artist Kairi Mändla
Materials dramaturge Juss Heinsalu
Dramaturge Laura Cemin
Performers Martina Georgina, Agnes Ihoma, Jana Jacuka, Anumai Raska, Liisa Saaremäel, Johanna Vaiksoo

Production Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava
Coproduction Gertrudes Ielas Teatris

The performance PAUS ISTU MINE (Standstill) is a fragment of time, stolen from the daily flow, placed under a magnifying glass with the desire to reach a pause, a still point. The performance investigates the moment of pause charged with tension through the uncanny and the sublime. Either by experiencing the slightly off-key familiarity or by being carried by the perverted sublime ecstasy, reality is displaced: a standstill appears exposing the experience in its bare essence, free from any meaning attached to it.

6 beautiful bodies seem to be preparing for something, but the purpose is hard to grasp, they seem to move almost just to structure time. A washing machine starts its cycle, plaster heels crumble under the weight of gravity, an ice chandelier drips from the ceiling creating a fake lake on the iridescent floor, a large net is used not to catch but to lean on.

The audience and the performers find themselves searching for the moment of silence between thoughts and seek it through absurd a(u)ctions, slightly unfamiliar objects and the sense of awe hinted at by shimmering lights.

Inside and outside, natural and artificial coexist: a request to stop and look slower. 

Look again. 

Look closer.

The performances will be both indoors and outdoors so we suggest to dress accordingly. The performance uses smoke and nudity.

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Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL)





Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL)