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Enn Keerd
Esietendus 31. jaanuaril Endla teatri Küünis
Artists: Tiiu-Ann Pello and Irina Riisma (guest from Estonian Academy of Arts)
Sound: Janek Vlassov
Cast: Students of the Youth Studio of Theatre "Endla": Liis Ree, Liisi Tojak, Eliis Vaiksaar, Rauno Õispuu

Mirr is an average 14-year-old girl who like all other girls has her dreams and passions. But her mother has moved to Greece and likes her new life more than her old. Mirr's father who is a famous television producer is always on some business trip and his only contacts with his daughter are money transfers. Mirr's grandmother, with whom she was very close, died recently. Thus Mirr lives in her very modern flat all by herself and has to deal with first love and broken heart, parties, the fear of AIDS and, furthermore, her father's new young girlfriend Britta.