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Enn Keerd
Artist: Andrus Jõhvik (Pärnu Theatre Endla)
Cast: Ago Anderson, Lii Tedre, Lauri Kink, Katrin Valkna, Kaili Närep, Ahti Puudersell (Pärnu Theatre Endla), Ena Kõrv, Raido Keskküla, Lauri-Kare Laos.

"Mikumärdi" was written by one of the most famous Estonian comedy writers, Hugo Raudsepp, in 1929. When first staged, the play created quite a scandal and is intriguing to this day, for the problems have not changed. Owners of land and property dominate in the state, the relations between the employers and the employees are the same, and today also we can complain about the over-production of highly educated people.

In conclusion - just like the old days, and almost like today!

Tickets available one hour before the play at the museum.