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Madame Brigitte

Kellerteater, Teatteri Metamorfoosi
Minka Laukniemi, Sandra Lange, Soile Mäkelä
Soile Mäkelä
May 26th 2021 in Kellerteater

A silent comedy about loneliness

Director’s assistant Minka Laukniemi / Turku Academy of Arts
Dramaturges Soile Mäkelä, Sandra Lange, Minka Laukniemi
Set and costume design Sandra Lange
Composer Siim Aimla
Light engineer Rene Topolev
Madame Brigitte – Sandra Lange

A grotesque, masked theater production about a lady attempting to escape her loneliness. What happens when the life of your upstairs neighbors becomes your only relationship? What happens when love remains forever sealed in unopened envelopes? What if your dreams become your nightmares? What happens when loneliness becomes a pathological passion? It is a story about one’s courage to take the first step towards intimacy. This is a silent play.

Graphic design Britt Urbla Keller
Production management Jane Oksa
Sales and marketing Annika Land–Reisser
Props and masks production Sandra Lange

This production is supported by Eesti Kultuurkapital, TelepART programm and Finnish Institute in Estonia.

Performance duration 1 hour