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Rauno Zubko
Rauno Zubko
Noorele vaatajale
March 4th, 2023 at the Harbour Theatre

A dance production

Director and Choreographer Rauno Zubko
Composer and Performer jonas.f.k
Scenographer Kaia Tungal
Video and Lightning Designer Mikk-Mait Kivi
Cast Maria Engel, Yukiko Yanagi, Georgia Toni Hyrkäs, Sayaka Nagahiro, Alain Divoux, Gus Upchurch, Willem Houck, Colby Samuel Louis Catton, Yuta Irikura, Benjamin Kyprianos, Gerardo Avelar

We study and test limits. We preach morals and destroy them. We sketch images of ourselves and observe their collapse in light of current crises. This is an interactive production where one cannot hide behind the fourth wall.

The search for identity involves the classically trained Vanemuine ballet dancers as well as the theatre as a space itself, which can take on an entirely new meaning by adding a ray of light or a new symbol. Minimalism can find its way to abundant psychedelia, while a strict structure can lead to improvisation. Music is performed on stage by jonas.f.k.

This dance production by Rauno Zubko is targeted at young viewers who do not have to tackle similar problems alone anymore.