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In Watermelon Sugar

Richard Brautigan
Esietendus 22. novembril 2008 väikses saalis
Dramaturges: Jaanus Rohumaa and Maria Lee Liivak
Artists: Aime Unt
Translator: Enn Soosaar
Musical designer: Veiko Tubin
Cast: Hele Kõre, Külli Teetamm, Argo Aadli, Andero Ermel, Tõnn Lamp, Indrek Ojari, Margus Tabor and Veiko Tubin

In Watermelon Sugar is Richard Brautigan's novel published in 1968. It describes a world where everything is made of watermelon sugar, and a different sun shines every day. In the centre of that world is iDeath - a utopian environment without violence or ego. Each citizen has his own small tasks and activities, how to spend endless, gently balanced days. Underneath the idyll, however, there are still traces of past bloodsheds and some people find it hard to put up with the phlegmatic rhythm of the new peace era. Is violence natural and inevitable to man, and how is this expressed in a world that does not admit to its existence?