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Erik Alalooga
Sounds have recorded into matter as potential energy. As a result of physical impulses they change into soundwaves and diffuse in the room through the air. Ear labyrinths and brain neurons take care of the rest. Of course no one troubles himself by diving so deep into biological level. Instead, listened material is valued according to personal scales (evolutionized and acquired). In this case it is more than enough.

Erik Alalooga started his route in the field of experimantal music and sound design in 2010 when the performing arts compartment of Estonian Art Academy led by him started courses where instruments were constructed and concerts compozed. Experimental academical approach to sound resulted in the birth of Postinstrumentum in local art scene. It's a name that refers both to a sound performance group  and a wider phenomenon, comprising the transformation of acoustic characters into sound patterns. Alalooga is a founder member and manager of Postinstrumentum.

Improtest is a concert series organized by Improtest that brings to audience improvisational music from local and foreign authors. The concerts have been taking place since 2005 once a month.

Curators: Mart Soo, Taavi Kerikmäe
Supporters: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Tallinna Kultuuriväärtuste Amet