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I am always here

Iloni Imedemaa, Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava
Kärt Tõnisson, Triin Reemann
Kärt Tõnisson, Triin Reemann
July 17th, 2021 at Ilon's Wonderland

Music: Silver Sepp
Scenographer: Kairet Moistus
Video: Einar Lints
Dancers: Laura-Liisa Sõber, Frida Mei Kokk, Lilia Viiret, Moona Ojasoo, Liise Suurhans, Heidi Mõts, Ööle Lilleorg, Mariann Suurhans, Marii Marleen Jõudvald, Desiree Lepik

The young dancers from Tallinn are Kärt Tõnisson's students from St. John's School's Dance School and Triin Reemann's students from Haapsalu Youth Hobby Center.

"I am always here" is the first dance performance among the summer performances of Haapsalu Ilon Wonderland. It is inspired by Ilon Wikland's childhood. Colorful pictures tell of a summer childhood in Haapsalu. Of days  that are from mornings til evening filled with playing, drawing and endless adventures with friends. The sea is just a few steps away and you can swim until your stomach gets empty. Then you can eat raspberries, listen to the radio and talk.

But life is never just bright and colorful. At one point, the colors in the pictures disappear, everything turns black and white, only red remains. The girl feels fear, sadness, anger and loneliness. The war is very close and the girl has to pack her yellow suitcase again and leave. For real.

But the girl can do it, she has tremendous strength because: “When you grow up feeling like you are loved, you are important and worth something, you get a lot of strength from it - the strength to be yourself and always be able to do anything. Then you are always here.” (Ilon Wikland.)

Suitable from the age of 5.