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This time in the series of hypekas we have very varied works of five Estonian female choreographers.

Sandra Z is studying at Dartington College of Arts in UK and her piece ´CIRQUE DU SOLITAIRE´ consists of solos that she learned from her last work ´ALKUS´, performed by Mari Põldre.
Krista Köster is known as one of the leaders of ProDance studio.
Liina-Karina Mikkor is a student of the Department of Choreography of Tallinn University. Her duet is based on A. Strindberg's play „Miss Julie“ with a purpose to avoid pantomime and verbalizing the text. Performed by Maarja Pärn and Mihkel Ernits, music by Liisa Hirsch.
Jane Raidma has studied in Ballet School in Tallinn, Marta Graham Contemporary Dance School, Limon Institute, Steps School in New York and currently she is a student of the Department of Choreography of Tallinn University. She has performed in Estonia Ballet Theatre and dance companies in German and USA.
From Renate Valme we can see a brief work with the performers from studio 'Dreek'.
hypekas is a series that has been taking place in Kanuti Gildi SAAL since the venue was established. hypekas serves young (but not only young) choreographers by offering them a chance to experiment with ideas and the audience a unique chance to get to know the stars-to-be. In 2007 the series is supported by Hansapank sponsoring project ´Let The Stars Shine´.