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HOMMIK 2012: Visuals

Kadi Maria Vooglaid, kadri noormets
Kadi Maria Vooglaid, kadri noormets
September 17th, 2012

Initial residency preview

The dance music culture is one of those modern day phenomena which has remained unchanged for the last couple of decades and will most probably not vanish in the next twenty years’ time. It is noteworthy that the constantly in a ’change of heart’ entertainment industry has not managed to make the nightlife dance to its tune. Once the evening falls we are bobbing our heads and bending our knees just like the night before, the week before, the year before, the decade before; the practice, the need has accompanied us to the new century and to the new millennium. We do it with people we know nothing about and who, in the next morning, will disappear into their everyday haze only to be out again another night with other strangers to selfforgettingly swing their hips, shoulder-to-shoulder. We don’t ask questions, we don’t judge, we come without expectations.