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HOMMIK 2012: Santa Muerte and the Sun

Hendrik Kaljujärv, Karl Saks
Hendrik Kaljujärv, Karl Saks
September 18th, 2012
Karl Saks and Hendrik Kaljujärv first met in 1986 in Tartu, at the Akadeemia Street day nursery. Their first memory of collective activity goes back to playing the crucifixion of Jesus, the game ending with heavy physical trauma. Santa Muerte and the Sun is the very first public presentation of their residency work at the close of their residency program this summer, that will be developed into a more substantial production in autumn 2013. Above all, Karl and Hendrik consider themselves as plain citizens curious about sounds and signs, ordinarily seen in our societies as hostile and morbid, though in origin referred to the total peace.

Karl Saks’s main means of expression are movement and sound/music. In his works he hybridizes psychedelic and pristine experiences, opening thus up a wide range of interpretations. Karl ignores the dictates of form and style to fully focuse on the invisible, interpreting the modern day applying alternative approaches to the past. This has lead him to create two solo works, Chude and The Drone of monk Nestor, in which the music and the movement are to be perceived as a whole.

Hendrik Kaljujärv has been actively present with his musical compositions in different forms, creating sound and music for drama and dance productions and for installations in gallery spaces, as well as performing in various musical ensembles. While embracing technical accuracy and taking it to a high level in his creation, Hendrik has kept his ability to apprehend the functioning systems of different art forms, remaining true to his aestethic and idealistic choices. And this is what describes Hendrik the best.