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Merle Karusoo
Merle Karusoo
Four boys meet an HIV-positive Russian girl.

Design: Silver Vahtre
Musical design: Urmas Lattikas
Project manager: Märt Meos
Assistant: Maria Soomets

Performers: Karin Lätsim (Puppet Theatre), Anti Reinthal (Estonian Drama Theatre), Alo Kõrve (Tallinna Town Theatre), Karol Kuntsel (Ugala) ja Ott Aardam (Ugala).

Coming from a school party, four boys from the eighth grade find a 13-year-old girl on the street who has cut her veins. They take her to hospital. A week later they find out that the girl was HIV positive and the boys have to take an HIV test in a month - just in case.
How to pass this month?
Whom to tell?
How to protect oneself from HIV?
How to live with HIV?
What happens to the boys?
What happens to the girl?