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Andrus Vaarik
Esietendus 18. novembril 2005
Musical director and conductor: Erki Pehk
Choreographer: Jüri Nael
Decorations: Ain Nurmela
Costume artist: Gerly Tinn
Light artist: Margus Vaigur

Main character: Marko Matvere.
Cast: Ülle Lichtfeldt, Marika Vaarik, Liisi Koikson, Egon Nuter, Anne Paluver, Raivo Rüütel, Raivo Trass, Terje Pennie, Ines Aru, Helene Vannari, Kaire Vilgats and many others.

The production uses the songs of V. Ojakäär, R. Valgre, G. Podelski, W.A. Mozart, I. Kàlmàn, I. Dunajevski, G. Sviridov, M. Tariverdiev and many others.

The story is based on the life of the legendary Estonian singer and actor Georg Ots.

The unforgettable and passionate songs of the most famous Estonian singer of all time are combined with scenes from his life to form a panorama, where the viewer travels with him through different decades.

In this charming production, the simplicity and sincerity of Georg Ots contrasts with the superficiality and cruelty of the soviet system. But did he manage to stay honest until the end?