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Neil Simon
Roman Baskin
Esietendus 3. detsembril 2004 Haljala Rahvamajas
Translator: Mihkel Mutt
Designer: Maret Kukkur

Cast: Üllar Saaremäe, Märt Avandi, Peeter Jakobi, Tarvo Sõmer, Hannes Prikk, Liisa Aibel, Volli Käro, Kersti Tombak, Marin Mägi (guest), Erik Ruus

It is foolish to be a fool! But if someone is so foolish that he does not even realise it? And considers himself quite a smart? Perhaps the smartest in the whole world. Ring any bells?

It is not difficult nowadays to come across a fool. Any fool can find someone more foolish. How are things with fools in the damned village of Kuliyentchikov? And is this strangely named village really so far from us? One wonders whether people in this village actually realise what kind of curse is hidden there? And if they do, will they even want to get rid of it? Or as the butcher Slovitch says:" Imagine if the curse disappears and it comes out that I really am a fool."

"Fools" is an allegoric comedy and everyone can recognise the characters as close by as he or she dares.