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Estonian Funeral

Esietendus 8. juunil 2002 suures saalis
Design: Pille Jänes
Lighting: Airi Eras

The cast: Jan Uuspõld, Külli Reinumägi, Kersti Kreismann, Aleksander Eelmaa, Martin Veinmann, Merle Palmiste, Lembit Ulfsak, Tõnu Kark ja Ester Pajusoo

Nowadays the funeral is almost the only event where all the relatives can meet, share common memories and discover old passions coming alive...Particularly when the funeral starts turning into a wedding.
The questions arising after the death of a 100 years old farm keeper are obvious, who will make the wood, pick the potatoes, pick the apples, and make the jam? Why it cannot be left undone and why you cannot take a break from hard work. How else could it be when Estonians have killed themselves with work for hundreds of years thinking this is the only way to live...
Kivirähk is picturing very accurately and ironically the image of Estonians as endlessly working and very economical nationality. The author lets us laugh about the same things whether it would be then working until your last breath in the farm or in the city company or being stuck in the show business.
A journalist Andrus Kivirähk (1970) is known also as an essayist with a unique comical talent. He is the author of numerous plays, novels and children's books with a wonderful story telling ability portraying uniquely and amusingly Estonian everyday myths and self-portrait from a grotesque point of view.
In his best-known novel "Rehepapp" he uses playfully the Estonian folklore achieving extremely funny and accurate portrait of the Estonian character.
The work of a producer Priit Pedajas (1954) can be recognized from uniquely appealing atmosphere, poetical and playful images, musicality, the sensitive use of the space and movement.