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Lavastust mängitakse kümnel korral: 13., 14., 15. (reserveeritud), 16., 17., 19., 20., 21., 22. ja 23. detsembril kell 19 Rakvere Teatri suures saalis.
Take! Banquet! Red carpet!

On 13 December "Casanova" premier will take place in the large hall of Rakvere Theatre. "Casanova" is the play that weaves together a passionate love story, an opportunity to take a look into the back stage of the film world, to have a nice time and even participate in the performance. The play will run only 10 times.

Casanova is probably one of the most famous heartbreakers in history (next to Don Juan). Almost every more of less available lass, lady or maid in Venice threw herself at his feet, and the man was therefore hated by all self respecting gentleman. The situation is no different in the Casanova story by Rakvere Theatre.

But the set-up of the performance is rather different. The public is caught in frantic daily life of filming and upon arriving in the hall everyone must make a decision: to remain a passive bystander of accept a role in the mass scenes of the film that is being made. One thing is certain - when the shooting has been finished one is well advised to sit at the table that has been laid during the interval and wait for the premiere. For the second half you already arrive like a real movie star who is about to see herself/himself on the big screen for the first time.

"Casanova" is an entertaining performance that is suitable for an office Christmas party or for a group of friends eager to experience something different.

Director and artist is Hardi Volmer. Cast: Erik Ruus, Liisa Aibel, Toomas Suuman, Ülle Lichtfeldt, Velvo Väli, Viive Aamisepp, Volli Käro, Helgi Annast, Eduard Salmistu, Tarvo Sõmer and you.