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Birgitta Festival '22: The Tempest

Baltic Sea Philharmonic
Jean Sibelius, Kristjan Järvi, William Shakespeare
Sunbeam Productions
August 12th, 2022 at the ruins of Pirita Convent

William Shakespeare / Jean Sibelius / Kristjan Järvi
Concert performance

Baltic Sea Philharmonic
Conductor Kristjan Järvi

Kristjan Järvi and his orchestra, Baltic Sea Philharmonic, will bring to stage their vision of William Shakespeare’s famed The Tempest, written at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The atmosphere of this production, filled with fantasy, magic, captivating irreality, and poignance will be created with the music of Jean Sibelius and Kristjan Järvi. The conductor and orchestra members have taken the responsibility of performing both the text and the music, by using both their instrument and their voice. This is a co-creation of musicians, in which the entire orchestra plays the co-director’s part. The audio-visual script has been created by Sunbeam Productions.

The orchestra Baltic Sea Philharmonic, founded by Kristjan Järvi, brings together musicians from Estonia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, and Sweden. They have been active since 2008, with the goal of bringing the concert experience to a new level – each performance is like a journey on the path of musical discoveries, each concert is like a unique display of sound, light, visual art, and technology, which is given its electrifying and contagious energy by the orchestra’s artistic director and conductor, Kristjan Järvi.