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Baltoscandal '22: Anthropologies of Space – Liis Vares

Liis Vares

Anthropologies of Space is an interdisciplinary (performance)art project initiated by eˉlektron. It will result in the creation of three new works at this year’s Baltoscandal. As the name suggests, artists deal with space and human. The environment and conditions around us are something that we perceive on a daily basis as "the thing in itself" - something that has been given to us but has become more and more strongly influenced today. Be it a global pandemic or a virtual reality that is becoming more and more a regular part of our sense of space.

Liis Vares invites us to visit her apartment number 34.

Liis Vares is a choreographer and artist. In the center of her practice is the contemporary body. Attention is her ‘dancer’ with whom she dances in black box, white cube and on grayscale online platform. She plays with borderlines between physical and mental, between personal and social. By following her research question: how does it feel/what does it mean to be in a body, she is diving more and more into transmedial spheres of art and being.

Dramaturgy: Maike Lond
Technical support, producer: eˉlektron
Project manager: Eneli Järs
Partner: Baltoscandal