Author: A. H. Tammsaare / Elmo Nüganen
Director: Elmo Nüganen
Artist: Andris Freibergs (Riga)
Costume artist: Kristine Pasternaka (Riga)
Musical design: Riina Roose, Jaak Jürisson
Cast: Hele Kõre, Indrek Sammul, Epp Eespäev, Ene Järvis, Piret Kalda, Anu
Lamp, Marje Metsur, Liina Olmaru, Evelin Pang, Helene Vannari, Argo
Aadli, Andero Ermel, Mart Koldits, Allan Noormets, Andres Ots, Andres
Raag, Ago Roo, Rain Simmul, Margus Tabor (guest), Mart Toome, Ardo
Ran Varres (guest)
Estonia has become an independent state, modelling itself after the "big" world - London, Paris, Berlin. It has also inherited banks and bankrupts, loans and mortgages, private houses and fancy cars. These are the things surrounding the world of Indrek and Karin. The newly rich society, which amazingly resembles to the one in contemporary Estonia, is also the main character of the play.
According to the director, this play's Man and the Woman are like a cat and a dog who are forced to live in the same doghouse, whilst a horny pack is barking around it.